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Next Level #CrossBorder

01 Cross-border solution

Are you satisfied with selling domestically only?

Do you believe that you could seize the world with just a single partner for shipping and delivery?
Does your domestic shipping service provider understand international markets as well as the habits and needs of your international clients?

But even the best expertise (on any country) is worth nothing without a reliable delivery partner.

Who is the best carrier for my recipients abroad? How can I easily and efficiently integrate them into my systems and navigate all the numerous new options? We have taken care of that.

In this short video you can see our ‘entry solution
for small shippers.

Contact us if you need a customised solution.

Optimization along with automatization are key factors for your international success. Expand your coverage to Europe and beyond so you can become a truly competitive global partner. Go for one system, one label, one tracking and one billing.


We are proud to support German, European and international retailers with everything they need for their e-commerce. Whether
it’s storage, pick & pack or cross-docking, we have built an excellent reputation with our solutions.

Take a look at our portfolio and discover how we can help you achieve greater success in international e-commerce.




02 Success Storys

Here you will find interesting success stories from customers
we have had the pleasure of accompanying on their
international journey.

03 Deliverypartners

You expect shipments being sent to you privately to be distributed by the best or most optimal shipping service provider.

This is exactly what we have in mind and why we rely on these partners:

04 Get involved


Not totally convinced? Why not give it a try? Test PARCEL.ONE for a month and see how we can help you manage and optimize your international shipping.

Here’s how it works:

  • Sign up with PARCEL.ONE
  • Receive an offer including account activation
  • We integrate PARCEL.ONE at your end
  • Ready to go!…
  • We also offer individual consulting

You need a straightforward solution that is easy for you and easy for your clients. PARCEL.ONE frees you from the endless quote calculations for individual clients. We deal with your business as a whole to find the best possible shipping prices for you.

The Advantages of Using PARCEL.ONE:

  • We understand logistics

  • We provide international shipping
  • We offer enterprise solutionsIndividualized training and consulting is available

    You receive one billing broken down by client
    API/CSV/platforms/shops/own shipping software


Logistics goes hand in hand with good delivery services and innovative solutions. Thus we welcome all carriers, contractors and multipliers.If you are a private service provider or UPU member and share our values and aspirations, you may look forward to a long-term partnership.

We understand our clients and their shipping needs

  • We understand our clients and their shipping needs
  • Our consolidation for your delivery area works in all of Europe

You offer your clients solutions that help them to concentrate on the most essential parts of their business and to grow steadily. As you may have noticed, over proportional growth comes from international sales – that has long been common knowledge. What is your view on that? Do you offer your clients support in this vital area? We will gladly join forces with you.

What We Can Offer You

  • Considerable added value for your revenue drivers
  • Clearly focused goal-oriented consulting for your target group
  • We are growing all over Europe
  • Easy integration with various ERP/ management systemsClear structure of products and daily business

05 Our Customer & Partner

06 Blog

  • Swiss import duties to be abolished in 2024

    Swiss import duties to be abolished in 2024

    Abolition of industrial tariffs Sell duty-free in Switzerland Let´s start From 1 January 2024, there will no longer be any import fees when importing industrial products into Switzerland.It will also no longer be necessary to specify a country of origin. But what do these changes mean for local and foreign retailers? Industrial tariffs in Switzerland […]

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  • Einlieferung Zeitplan-Feiertage 2023/24

    Einlieferung Zeitplan-Feiertage 2023/24

    International parcel delivery Deadlines for shipping before the holidays in 2023 and New Year. To ensure that your international parcels arrive on time before the holidays, we recommend that you send them to us by the dates listed below. Below is a list of the deadlines for each destination. Austria Last feed-in at PARCEL.ONEuntil Tuesday, […]

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  • CODEPT meets PARCEL.ONE: Gemeinsam für eine flexible Logistik

    CODEPT meets PARCEL.ONE: Gemeinsam für eine flexible Logistik

    CODEPT meets PARCEL.ONE Teaming up for flexible logistics Resilient logistics is vital for the survival of online retailers. It enables them to constantly maintain a good customer experience. But logistics today need to meet many demands. This is why PARCEL.ONE and Codept are now working together as logistics experts. FLEXIBILITY IN LOGISTICS NECESSARY  Online retailers […]

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  • Outsourcing e-commerce fulfilment, but properly

    Outsourcing e-commerce fulfilment, but properly

    An own warehouse is of great importance for e-commerce companies: Shop operators retain full control over all ongoing processes. But having your own warehouse and shipping on your own is not always the best choice. E-commerce fulfilment offers retailers a variety of options to operate more efficiently. 

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  • Returns? But sustainably so! Rethinking returns management with PARCEL.ONE

    Returns? But sustainably so! Rethinking returns management with PARCEL.ONE

    Customers expect excellent service also in online shopping. They want generous return periods and, of course, the possibility to make returns free of charge. At the same time, consumers also demand sustainability on the part of e-commerce companies. Ecological shipping and an equally sustainable handling of returns therefore are among the core challenges of online […]

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  • Process optimisation in returns management – How to improve your ecological footprint

    Process optimisation in returns management – How to improve your ecological footprint

    Free returns and generous return timelines are the order of the day in online retail. These are crucial elements of the business model.   The immense competitive pressure among online retailers is making it necessary. However, the negative economic and above all the ecological consequences are significant.  And the clock is ticking. So, what should (online) retailers look out […]

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  • Which start-ups stimulate e-commerce?

    Which start-ups stimulate e-commerce?

    t3n Magazin has arrived at the conclusion that an online shop with Paqatocom, Adnymics – intelligent printvertising, tiramizoo and PARCEL.ONE will take off! With PARCEL.ONE, the reseller has direct access to the local hero delivery partner in the delivery country!

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  • The decisive last metres in e-commerce

    The decisive last metres in e-commerce

    Your worry as an online reseller is only over once the goods are with the recipient! Unfortunately, many online resellers underestimate the impact that the last-mile delivery can have on the recipient! Often, the price is what makes the online reseller decide in favour of a certain last-mile delivery. Is this the right strategy?

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  • Global e-commerce ever more important for Deutsche Post!

    Global e-commerce ever more important for Deutsche Post!

    In early May, @wiwo reported on the new challenge facing Jürgen Gerdes, member of the board of Deutsche Post and DHL. The topic was Mr Gerdes’ activity’s growing impact on the logistics group. Deutsche Post and DHL are planning

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07 Integrations & Events

Enjoy your PARCEL


KEYWEB considers it its duty to provide services that comply with and optimize a positive eco-balance. With Green Hosting – KeyEco they set a clear sign for acting consciously in the sense of our environment and go one step further.

Sustainability encompasses environmentally friendly corporate action at all levels – from the ecological operation of data centers and hosting products, to consciously sustainable processes in everyday office and work life, to social commitment both within the company and for our society.