SOAP Services – Last Update 2018-07-03
Name | Description |
IShippingWCF | ParcelOne provides you with a WCF API for implementing an interface to ParcelOne shipping services into your own shop or, respectively, into the shops of your customers. Here you will find a complete documentation of the available API functions with descriptions of request methods, request parameters as well as request and response formats. If you would like to investigate code samples of client implementations in php or C#, you can find them under
Authentification is provided by Basic Authentification secured over SSL. Further authentification is done via an API-Key to authenificate the provider of the client software accessing the API. Please, contact us if you would like to receive an API-Key and Sandbox Login data for your client development. |
Name | Namespace | Description |
Address | | Address Data. |
Amount | | Amounts Information. |
ArrayOfAmount | | |
ArrayOfCEP | | |
ArrayOfCEPSpecial | | |
ArrayOfCharges | | |
ArrayOfChargesPackageResult | | |
ArrayOfChargesResult | | |
ArrayOfClosedResult | | |
ArrayOfConsigner | | |
ArrayOfCustomer | | |
ArrayOfError | | |
ArrayOfidentifyShipment | | |
ArrayOfIntDocContents | | |
ArrayOfIntDocData | | |
ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult | | |
ArrayOfPrintRequest | | |
ArrayOfProduct | | |
ArrayOfProfile | | |
ArrayOfService | | |
ArrayOfShipment | | |
ArrayOfShipmentActionResult | | |
ArrayOfShipmentDocumentsResult | | |
ArrayOfShipmentPackage | | |
ArrayOfShipmentPackageResult | | |
ArrayOfShipmentResult | | |
ArrayOfShipmentService | | |
ArrayOfShipmentStatusResult | | |
ArrayOfShipmentTrackingResult | | |
ArrayOfTrackingResult | | |
CEP | | Carrier Information. |
CEPSpecial | | CEPSpecials Information. |
Charges | | Charges Request Data. |
ChargesPackageResult | | Charges Parcel Results Data. |
ChargesResult | | Charges Result Data. |
ClosedResult | | Closed Shipments Result Data. |
Consigner | | Consigner Information. |
Contact | | Contact Request Data. |
Customer | | Customer Info. |
Dimensions | | Dimensions Information. |
Error | | Error Identification. |
Format | | Format Information. |
identifyPackage | | Parcel Identification. |
identifyShipment | | Shipment Identification. |
IntDoc | | International Documents Request Data. |
IntDocContents | | International Documents Contents Request Data. |
IntDocData | | International Documents Request Data. |
Measurement | | Measurements Information. |
printDocumentsResult | | Shipment Documents Print Result Data. |
PrintRequest | | Print Request Data. |
Product | | Product Information. |
Profile | | Profile for a mandator. |
Service | | Services Information. |
ShipFrom | | ShipFrom / Consigner Data. |
Shipment | | Shipment Request Data. |
ShipmentActionResult | | Shipment Action Results. |
ShipmentDocumentsResult | | Shipment Documents Results Data. |
ShipmentPackage | | Parcel Information. |
ShipmentPackageResult | | Shipment Parcel Results Data. |
ShipmentResult | | Shipment Results Data. |
ShipmentService | | Services Information. |
ShipmentStatusResult | | Shipment Status Results. |
ShipmentTrackingResult | | Shipment Trackings Results. |
ShipTo | | Shipto / Receiver Data. |
TrackingResult | | Shipment Tracking Result Data. |
ArrayOfstring | |
SOAP Services
ParcelOne provides you with a WCF API for implementing an interface to ParcelOne shipping services into your own shop or, respectively, into the shops of your customers.
Here you will find a complete documentation of the available API functions with descriptions of request methods, request parameters as well as request and response formats. If you would like to investigate code samples of client implementations in php or C#, you can find them under
- for php (requires php 5.2 or higher):
- for C# (requires Visual Studio 10 or higher):
Authentification is provided by Basic Authentification secured over SSL. Further authentification is done via an API-Key to authenificate the provider of the client software accessing the API. Please, contact us if you would like to receive an API-Key and Sandbox Login data for your client development.
Name | Description |
closeShipments(ClosedStamp, Mandator, Consigner, CEP, Format, Shipments) | Close Forward Shipments. (only marked as closed and returning a report. For DHL it does NOT perform the actual DHL closing, this will be done automatically by IntraShip once a day. ) |
getCEPs(Mandator, level, Countries) | Get available Carriers for a mandator, optionally filtered by countries list. |
getCharges(ChargesData) | Get Shipment Charges. |
getClosableShipments(Mandator, Consigner, CEP) | get Closable Forward Shipments. May be filtered by Mandantor, Consigner and Carrier. |
getClosedStamps(Mandator, Consigner, CEP, StartDate, EndDate) | get ClosedStamps to have a list of all finished closings. May be filtered by Mandantor, Consigner and Carrier as well as StartDate and EndDate. |
getCustomers() | Get the availabe Customer’s Information and status. |
getDateTime() | Get Server DateTime to compare with Client DateTime. |
getProducts(Mandator, CEP, level, Countries) | Get available Products for a mandator and Carrier, optionally filtered by countries list. |
getProfiles(level, Countries) | Get all available carriers for all Mandators, optionally filtered by countries list. |
getServices(Mandator, CEP, Product, Countries) | Get available Services for a mandator,Carrier,product, optionally filtered by countries list. |
getShipmentStatus(ShippingData) | Get Shipment Status. |
getTrackings(ShippingData) | Get Shipment Trackings. |
printDocuments(PrintRequests) | Print Shipment Documents, including DHL ExportDocuments. PrintInternationalDocuments function will return the CN23 also for DHL, if preferred. |
printInternationalDocuments(PrintRequests) | Print International Shipment Documents, CN23 (2 documents per page) or CN22 (one document). |
printLabel(PrintRequests) | Print Shipment Label. |
registerIntDoc(InternationalDoc) | Register/Add International Document Data for Shipment. |
registerShipments(ShippingData) | Register Forward and Return Shipments. |
voidShipments(ShippingData) | Void / Cancel Shipments. |
In order to be able to test your code without interfering the production environment, we provide a SandBox-Mode as well as a Production-Mode. You can reach the Sandbox- or Test-Mode under …
- Service:
- Service:
IShippingWCF\closeShipments(ClosedStamp, Mandator, Consigner, CEP, Format, Shipments)
Close Forward Shipments. (only marked as closed and returning a report. For DHL it does NOT perform the actual DHL closing, this will be done automatically by IntraShip once a day. )
ClosedStamp | |
Type: string | |
Mandator | |
Type: string | |
Consigner | |
Type: string | |
CEP | |
Type: string | |
Format | |
Type: Format | |
Shipments | |
Type: ArrayOfidentifyShipment | |
Type: ArrayOfClosedResult |
You have several possibilities to influence the selection of shipments to be closed:
- ClosedStamp: Provide the ClosedStamp to reprint a Closing Report. No unclosed shipments are touched. (See also function getClosedStamps.)
- Mandator: Only unclosed shipments for this Mandator are closed.
- Consigner: Only unclosed shipments for this Consigner are closed.
- CEP: Only unclosed shipments for this Carrier are closed.
- Format: Format contains information on how to return the data. Only Format.Type is needed, possible values are PDF or CSV.
- Shipments: You can provide a list of Shipments. Only those in your list will be closed.
The parameters Mandator, Consigner and CEP can be mixed and will be considered in an AND-relation.
Return value: Array of ClosedResult containing CEP,ClosedStamp and printDocumentsResult, will contain a separate printDocumentsResult for each Carrier. The closable shipment data may be returned as a PDF file as Base64-encoded string or as a CSV file as Base64-encoded string. The fields in CSV: ShipmentID;ShipmentRef;TrackingID;Mandator;Consigner;CEP;Product;Packages;Weight;Name1;Name2;Name3;Country;Zip;City;Street;HousenoExample
Here is how you use this:
ClosedResult[] closeShipments(string ClosedStamp, string Mandator, string Consigner, string CEP, Format Format, identifyShipment[] Shipments);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may be empty.
IShippingWCF\getCEPs(Mandator, level, Countries)
Get available Carriers for a mandator, optionally filtered by countries list.
Mandator | |
Type: string | |
level | |
Type: int | |
Countries | |
Type: ArrayOfstring | |
Type: ArrayOfCEP |
- Mandator: Mandator
- level: 0 = all levels returned; 1 = only 1 level returned (only carriers), 2 = only 2 levels returned (carrier and products info), >=3 = also services per product returned
- Countries: optional String array of Alpha-2-code Country abbreviations (ISO 3166-1) to be checked against available carriers and products. Only carriers and products are returned that are available for ALL countries specified. If empty or null, no Countries check is taking place.
Here is how you use this:
CEP[] getCEPs(string Mandator, int level, String[] Countries);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may be empty.
Get Shipment Charges.
ChargesData | |
Type: ArrayOfCharges | |
Type: ArrayOfChargesResult |
- ChargesData: You can provide a list of Shipments to get Shipment Charges info for them.
Return value: Array of ChargesResult containing ShipmentCharges, PackageCharges if available and Totalcharges as well as ShipmentActionResult containing ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for identification of shipments, Success flag (1=successfull, -1=not successfull), and Array of Errors (Errorno, Message and StatusCode) in case not being successfull
Here is how you use this:
ChargesResult[] getCharges(Charges[] ChargesData);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may contain errors per shipment.
IShippingWCF\getClosableShipments(Mandator, Consigner, CEP)
get Closable Forward Shipments. May be filtered by Mandantor, Consigner and Carrier.
Mandator | |
Type: string | |
Consigner | |
Type: string | |
CEP | |
Type: string | |
Type: ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult |
You have several possibilities to influence the selection of shipments to be returned as closable:
- Mandator: Only unclosed shipments for this Mandator are returned.
- Consigner: Only unclosed shipments for this Consigner are returned.
- CEP: Only unclosed shipments for this Carrier are returned.
The parameters Mandator, Consigner and CEP can be mixed and will be considered in an AND-relation.
Return value: Array of printDocumentsResult, will contain a separate printDocumentsResult for each Carrier. The closable shipment data will be returned as a CSV file as Base64-encoded string. The fields in CSV: ShipmentID;ShipmentRef;TrackingID;Mandator;Consigner;CEP;Product;Packages;Weight;Name1;Name2;Name3;Country;Zip;City;Street;HousenoExample
Here is how you use this:
printDocumentsResult[] getClosableShipments(string Mandator, string Consigner, string CEP);
- No exceptions, just the returned CSV data may be empty.
IShippingWCF\getClosedStamps(Mandator, Consigner, CEP, StartDate, EndDate)
get ClosedStamps to have a list of all finished closings. May be filtered by Mandantor, Consigner and Carrier as well as StartDate and EndDate.
Mandator | |
Type: string | |
Consigner | |
Type: string | |
CEP | |
Type: string | |
StartDate | |
Type: string | |
EndDate | |
Type: string | |
Type: ArrayOfstring |
You have several possibilities to influence the selection of ClosedStamps to be returned:
- Mandator: Only ClosedStamps for this Mandator are returned.
- Consigner: Only ClosedStamps for this Consigner are returned.
- CEP: Only ClosedStamps for this Carrier are returned.
- StartDate: Only ClosedStamps equal or after this StartDate are returned.
- EndDate: Only ClosedStamps equal or before this EndDate are returned.
All parameters can be mixed and will be considered in an AND-relation.
Return value: Array of strings of ClosedStamps. A ClosedStamp consists of DateTimeStamp followed by the CEP, like e.g. “20150520134557UPS”.Example
Here is how you use this:
String[] getClosedStamps(string Mandator, string Consigner, string CEP, string StartDate, string EndDate);
- No exceptions, just the returned string array may be empty.
Get the availabe Customer’s Information and status.
Type: ArrayOfCustomer |
Return value: Array of Customer, containing CustomerID + MandatorID, Default flag, Shortname, StatusID and Status as well as Array of Consigners for this Mandator.
Possible statuses: ID 0 = Customer active, ID 1 = Customer blocked, ID 2 = Customer anulled
Here is how you use this:
Customer[] getCustomers();
- No exceptions, just the returned data may be empty.
Get Server DateTime to compare with Client DateTime.
Type: dateTime |
Here is how you use this:
DateTime GetDateTime();
- No exceptions.
IShippingWCF\getProducts(Mandator, CEP, level, Countries)
Get available Products for a mandator and Carrier, optionally filtered by countries list.
Mandator | |
Type: string | |
CEP | |
Type: string | |
level | |
Type: int | |
Countries | |
Type: ArrayOfstring | |
Type: ArrayOfProduct |
- Mandator: Mandator
- CEP: Carrier
- level: 0 = all levels returned; 1 = only 1 level returned (only products), >=2 = 2 levels returned (products and services info)
- Countries: optional String array of Alpha-2-code Country abbreviations (ISO 3166-1) to be checked against available carriers and products. Only carriers and products are returned that are available for ALL countries specified. If empty or null, no Countries check is taking place.
Here is how you use this:
Product[] getProducts(string Mandator, string CEP, int level, String[] Countries);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may be empty.
IShippingWCF\getProfiles(level, Countries)
Get all available carriers for all Mandators, optionally filtered by countries list.
level | |
Type: int | |
Countries | |
Type: ArrayOfstring | |
Type: ArrayOfProfile |
- level: 0 = all levels returned; 1 = only 1 level returned (only carriers), 2 = only 2 levels returned (carrier and products info), >=3 = also services per product returned
- Countries: optional String array of Alpha-2-code Country abbreviations (ISO 3166-1) to be checked against available carriers and products. Only carriers and products are returned that are available for ALL countries specified. If empty or null, no Countries check is taking place.
Here is how you use this:
Profile[] getProfiles(int level, String[] Countries);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may be empty.
IShippingWCF\getServices(Mandator, CEP, Product, Countries)
Get available Services for a mandator,Carrier,product, optionally filtered by countries list.
Mandator | |
Type: string | |
CEP | |
Type: string | |
Product | |
Type: string | |
Countries | |
Type: ArrayOfstring | |
Type: ArrayOfService |
- Mandator: Mandator
- CEP: Carrier
- Product: Product
- Countries: optional String array of Alpha-2-code Country abbreviations (ISO 3166-1) to be checked against available carriers and products. Only carriers and products are returned that are available for ALL countries specified. If empty or null, no Countries check is taking place.
Here is how you use this:
Service[] getServices(string Mandator, string CEP, string Product, String[] Countries);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may be empty.
Get Shipment Status.
ShippingData | |
Type: ArrayOfidentifyShipment | |
Type: ArrayOfShipmentStatusResult |
- ShippingData: You can provide a list of Shipments to get Shipment Status info for them.
Return value: Array of ShipmentStatusResult containing ShipmentStatusCode and ShipmentStatus, LastTrackingNo and LastCEP containing DestinationCarrier data as far as known as well as ShipmentActionResult containing ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for identification of shipments, Success flag (1=successfull, -1=not successfull), and Array of Errors (Errorno, Message and StatusCode) in case not being successfull
Possible returned status values so far: Code 10 = Shipped; Code 90 = Closed, Status will be returned according to client language provided.
Here is how you use this:
ShipmentStatusResult[] getShipmentStatus(identifyShipment[] ShippingData);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may contain errors per shipment.
Get Shipment Trackings.
ShippingData | |
Type: ArrayOfidentifyShipment | |
Type: ArrayOfShipmentTrackingResult |
- ShippingData: You can provide a list of Shipments to get Shipment Tracking info for them.
Return value: Array of ShipmentTrackingsResult containing TrackingCode and TrackingStati as well as ShipmentActionResult containing ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for identification of shipments, Success flag (1=successfull, -1=not successfull), and Array of Errors (Errorno, Message and StatusCode) in case not being successfull
Tracking Data will be returned according to client language provided.
Here is how you use this:
ShipmentTrackingResult[] getTrackings(identifyShipment[] ShippingData);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may contain errors per shipment.
Print Shipment Documents, including DHL ExportDocuments. PrintInternationalDocuments function will return the CN23 also for DHL, if preferred.
PrintRequests | |
Type: ArrayOfPrintRequest | |
Type: ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult |
Parameter – Array of PrintRequest:
- DocType: So far does not have to be specified, for future use.
- Format: Only Format.Type has to be filled, other values for future use. Availabe values for Format.Type only “PDF”.
- IDPackage: PackageRefField to identify field of PackageReference, possible values: PackageID, PackageRef or PackageTrackingID. PackageRefValue to transfer value of this field. If empty, only Shipment is identified.
- IDShipment: ShipmentRefField to identify field of ShipmentReference, possible values:ShipmentID, ShipmentRef or TrackingID. ShipmentRefValue to transfer value of this field.
Return value – Array of printDocumentResult:
- ActionResult: ShipmentActionResult: Success, Errors, ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for Identification of Shipment
- DocType: Possible values to be returned so far: “HighValueReport”, “CODTurnInPage”, “DHL ExportDocuments”.
- Document: Base64-encoded string of PDF document
- Format: Format.Type = PDF. Size so far A4 for PDF. Other values are irrelevant so far.
- PackageID: to identify Package by PackageID
- PackageRef: to identify Package by PackageRef
- PackageTrackingID: to identify Package by PackageTrackingID
Here is how you use this:
printDocumentsResult[] printDocuments(PrintRequest[] PrintRequests);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may contain errors per request.
Print International Shipment Documents, CN23 (2 documents per page) or CN22 (one document).
PrintRequests | |
Type: ArrayOfPrintRequest | |
Type: ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult |
Parameter – Array of PrintRequest:
- DocType: not relevant so far, will be returned as “CN22” or “CN23” in any case.
- Format: Only Format.Type has to be filled, other values for future use. Availabe values for Format.Type may be either “GIF” or “PDF”. Format.Size may be set to “CN22” to return CN22 instead of CN23. If more than 7 detail lines, CN23 will be returned anyway.
- IDPackage: PackageRefField to identify field of PackageReference, possible values: PackageID, PackageRef or PackageTrackingID. PackageRefValue to transfer value of this field. If empty, only Shipment is identified.
- IDShipment: ShipmentRefField to identify field of ShipmentReference, possible values:ShipmentID, ShipmentRef or TrackingID. ShipmentRefValue to transfer value of this field.
Return value – Array of printDocumentResult:
- ActionResult: ShipmentActionResult: Success, Errors, ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for Identification of Shipment
- DocType: returned as “CN22” or “CN23”.
- Document: Base64-encoded string of CN22/CN23, either PDF or GIF
- Format: Format.Type = GIF or PDF. Size so far = A4 for GIF, A4/A6 (CN22) for PDF. Other values are irrelevant so far.
- PackageID: to identify Package by PackageID
- PackageRef: to identify Package by PackageRef
- PackageTrackingID: to identify Package by PackageTrackingID
Here is how you use this:
printDocumentsResult[] printInternationalDocuments(PrintRequest[] PrintRequests);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may contain errors per request.
Print Shipment Label.
PrintRequests | |
Type: ArrayOfPrintRequest | |
Type: ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult |
Parameter – Array of PrintRequest:
- DocType: not relevant so far, will be returned as “Label” in any case.
- Format: Only Format.Type has to be filled, other values for future use. Availabe values for Format.Type may be either “GIF” or “PDF”.
- IDPackage: PackageRefField to identify field of PackageReference, possible values: PackageID, PackageRef or PackageTrackingID. PackageRefValue to transfer value of this field. If empty, only Shipment is identified.
- IDShipment: ShipmentRefField to identify field of ShipmentReference, possible values:ShipmentID, ShipmentRef or TrackingID. ShipmentRefValue to transfer value of this field.
Return value – Array of printDocumentResult:
- ActionResult: ShipmentActionResult: Success, Errors, ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for Identification of Shipment
- DocType: returned as “Label”.
- Document: Base64-encoded string of label, either PDF or GIF
- Format: Format.Type = GIF or PDF. Size so far = A6 for GIF, A4 for PDF. Other values are irrelevant so far.
- PackageID: to identify Package by PackageID
- PackageRef: to identify Package by PackageRef
- PackageTrackingID: to identify Package by PackageTrackingID
Here is how you use this:
printDocumentsResult[] printLabel(PrintRequest[] PrintRequests);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may contain errors per request.
Register/Add International Document Data for Shipment.
InternationalDoc | |
Type: ArrayOfIntDocData | |
Type: ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult |
Parameter – Array of IntDocData:
- IDShipment: to identify Shipment for adding IntDocData: ShipmentRefField to identify field of ShipmentReference, possible values:ShipmentID, ShipmentRef or TrackingID. ShipmentRefValue to transfer value of this field.
- IDPackage: optionally: PackageRefField to identify field of PackageReference, possible values: PackageID, PackageRef or PackageTrackingID. PackageRefValue to transfer value of this field. If empty, only Shipment is identified.
- InternationalDoc: The International Document Data, see also description of function: registerShipments
Return value – Array of printDocumentResult:
- ActionResult: ShipmentActionResult: Success, Errors, ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for Identification of Shipment
- DocType: returned as “CN22” or “CN23”.
- Document: Base64-encoded string of CN22/CN23, either PDF or GIF
- Format: Format.Type = GIF or PDF. Format.Size = CN22 or CN23.
- PackageID: to identify Package by PackageID
- PackageRef: to identify Package by PackageRef
- PackageTrackingID: to identify Package by PackageTrackingID
Here is how you use this:
printDocumentsResult[] registerIntDoc(IntDocData[] InternationalDoc);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may be empty.
Register Forward and Return Shipments.
ShippingData | |
Type: ArrayOfShipment | |
Type: ArrayOfShipmentResult |
Parameter – Array of Shipment:
- CEPID: required – Carrier specification, possible values so far: UPS, PA1, DHL.
- ConsignerID: required – Consigner ID at ParcelOne , usually “1”, if only one consigner.
- CostCenter: optional – only for client reference.
- DocumentFormat: required – only Format.Type = “PDF” needed.
- LabelFormat: required – only Format.Type = either “GIF” or “PDF” needed.
- MandatorID: required – Mandator ID at ParcelOne , usually “1”, if only one mandator.
- Other1: optional – only for client reference.
- Other2: optional – only for client reference.
- Other3: optional – only for client reference.
- Packages: required – ShipmentPackage data, see definition below.
- PrintDocuments: required – Flag to indicate, if Documents (for DHL also Export Documents) should be returned with this request (0=no, 1=yes).
- PrintLabel: required – Flag to indicate, if Label should be returned with this request (0=no, 1=yes).
- ProductID: required – Product specification, in accordance with Carrier specification..
- ReturnCharges: optional – to return Charges (0=no (default), 1=yes).
- MaxCharges: optional – to specify maximum amount charge, over maximum will refuse the shipment.
- ReturnShipmentIndicator: required – 0 = Forward Shipment, all values > 0 = Return Shipment. For UPS the following are available: 2-Print and Mail Return Label by UPS; 3-Return Service 1-Attempt; 5-Return Service 3-Attempt; 8-Electronic Return Label by URL; 9-Print Return Label. For DHL and Parcel One so far not available.
- Services: optional – ShipmentService data, see definition below.
- ShipToData: required – ShipTo Data – ( = ShipFrom Data with Return Shipments), see definition below.
- ShipFromData: optional – ShipFrom Data – only for special purposes, usually ConsignerID has to be provided. Requires special agreement with ParcelOne .
- ShipmentID: required – ShipmentID, if Shipping successfull, this will be overwritten/assigned.
- ShipmentRef: required – ShipmentRef for identification of shipment by client.
- Software: required – Software specification of client, if possible with version number.
Parameter ShipmentPackage – Package:
- IntDocData: optional/required – see definition below
- PackageDimensions: optional/required – Dimensions: Height, Length, Width, Measurement=”cm”.
- PackageID: optional – will be overwritten if shipment successfull.
- PackageRef: optional – to identify package by client.
- PackageType: required for UPS – UPS: Package Type = “02” for “Package”.
- PackageVolume: optional/required – Measurement: Unit = “ltr”, Value = volume in ltr.
- PackageWeight: required – Measurement: Unit = “kg”, Value = weight in kg.
- Remarks: optional for Forward Shipments, required for UPS Return Shipments = Contents Description, like: “goods”.
- Services: optional – Services per Package, see definition below.
Parameter IntDocData- IntDoc:
- Certificate: 0 = no, 1=yes.
- CertificateNo: optional – Certificate No.
- Comments: optional – will be overwritten if shipment successfull.
- ConsignerCustomsID: optional – to identify package by client.
- ContentsDesc: required – Array of IntDocContents, see Definition below.
- Currency: optional, default=EUR – Currency for values.
- Date: optional, default=today – Date on CN23.
- Explanation: optional – only for client reference.
- Invoice: 0 = no, 1=yes.
- InvoiceNo: optional – Invoice No.
- InternationalDocumentFormat: required – only Format.Type = “PDF” or “GIF” needed. Format.Size may be set to “CN22” to return CN22 instead of CN23.
- ItemCategory: optional – Item Category, possible values:1-Gift, 2-Documents, 3-Commercial Sample, 4-Returned Goods, 5-Other
- License: 0 = no, 1=yes.
- LicenseNo: optional – License No.
- OfficeOfOrigin: optional – Office Of Origin.
- Postage: optional – Postage Amount.
- PrintInternationalDocuments: required – 0=Save Int.Doc.Data only or 1=return also printable CN23.
- ShipToRef: optional – Receiver Reference on CN23.
- TotalValue: optional – Total Value amount.
- TotalWeightkg: optional – Total Weight Amount in kg.
- NonDeliveryInstruction: optional (on some versions of CN23: Values: Treat as abandoned, Return to sender) – not used yet, for future use.
- ServiceLevel: optional (on some versions of CN23: Values: PRI, …) – not used yet, for future use.
- ValidatedForExport: optional (on some versions of CN23: Values: 0=NO, 1=YES) – not used yet, for future use.
Parameter ContentsDesc – Array of IntDocContents:
- Contents: Contents description.
- ItemValue: Value of Item.
- NetWeight: NetWeight of item.
- Origin: Origin of Item: Alpha-2-code Country abbreviation (ISO 3166-1).
- Quantity: Quantity of Item.
- TariffNumber: TariffNumber of Item.
Parameter Services – Array of ShipmentService:
- Parameters: optional – so far not in use, for future use.
- ServiceID: required – Service ID, e.g. NN for COD, WERT for insurance, SA for Saturday Delivery, etc.
- Value: optional – Currency and Value specification, e.g. for Insurance or COD.
Parameter CEPSpecials – Array of CEPSpecial:
- Key: required – for DHL so far: Key: PRINTONLYIFCODEABLE, Value: 1 – will return label only in case LEITCODE could be found to avoid Surcharge for not codable addresses
- Value: optional – value according to requirements of CEP
Parameter – ShipTo:
- BranchID: optional – Branch or Pickup ID of Carrier. If PUDO-Shipping, then PUDO-Number must be provided here.
- CEPCustID: optional – Carrier Customer ID of Receiver, not in use yet, for future use.
- CustomsID: optional – Customs ID of client.
- Name1: required – First name line.
- Name2: optional – second name line.
- Name3: optional – third name line.
- PrivateAddressIndicator: optional/required – 1=Private Address, 0=B2B-Address.
- Reference: optional – Receiver Reference.
- SalesTaxID: optional – Sales Tax ID.
- ShipmentAddress: required – ShipTo address, see definition below.
- ShipmentContact: required – ShipTo contact, see definition below.
Parameter ShipmentAdress – Address:
- City: required – City.
- Country: required – Alpha-2-code Country abbreviation (ISO 3166-1).
- District: optional – District, often printed under StreetNo and Streetno.
- PostalCode: optional – ZIPCode.
- State: required – State, often printed under PostalCode and City.
- Street: optional/required – Street.
- Streetno: optional/required – Streetno.
Parameter ShipmentContact – Contact:
- AttentionName: optional – Attention name.
- BirthDate: optional – Birth date, not used yet.
- Company: optional – Company.
- ContactPerson: optional – Contact person.
- Email: required – email of receiver.
- Fax: optional – fax.
- FirstName: optional – firstname.
- LastName: optional – lastname.
- Mobile: optional – mobile phone number.
- Phone: optional – phone number.
- Salutation: optional – salutation.
Return value – Array of ShipmentResult:
- ActionResult: ShipmentActionResult: Success, Errors, ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for Identification of Shipment
- Charges: Array of Amount (Currency,Value and Description) – to return price information.
- DocumentsAvailable: Number of documents that have been produced for this shipment.
- DocumentsResults: Array of ShipmentDocumentsResult: Charges, DocType, Base64-encoded string of GIF or PDF document, Format, PackageID for Package Identification, ShipmentID and TrackingID for Shipment Identificaiton, DocumentID for Document Identification (e.g. ParcelOne Retoure Trackno)
- InternationalDocumentsAvailable: Number of International documents that have been produced for this shipment.
- InternationalDocumentsNeeded: Values: -1 = has not been checked, 0 = not needed, 1 = neeeded. Returned independently of whether Customs Data were provided or not.
- LabelsAvailable: Number of labels that have been produced for this shipment.
- LabelURL: URL to download Label and Documents, for UPS Return Shipments with Download-URL to include in email for receiver.
- PackageResults: Array of ShipmentPackageResult: Charges for Package, DocType, Format, Label, TrackingURL, PackageID and PackageRef for Package Identification, ShipmentID and TrackingID for Shipment Identificaiton
Here is how you use this:
ShipmentResult[] registerShipments(Shipment[] ShippingData);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may contain errors per request.
Void / Cancel Shipments.
ShippingData | |
Type: ArrayOfidentifyShipment | |
Type: ArrayOfShipmentActionResult |
- ShippingData: You can provide a list of Shipments. Only those in your list will be voided/cancelled if possible.
Return value: Array of ShipmentActionResult containing ShipmentID, ShipmentRef and TrackingID for identification of shipments, Success flag (1=successfull, -1=not successfull), and Array of Errors (Errorno, Message and StatusCode) in case not being successfull
Here is how you use this:
ShipmentActionResult[] voidShipments(identifyShipment[] ShippingData);
- No exceptions, just the returned data may contain errors per shipment.
Address Type
Address Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
City | string | Yes | 40 | City. |
Country | string | Yes | 2 | Alpha-2-code Country abbreviation (ISO 3166-1). |
District | string | No | 40 | District or any information to be printed under Postal Code / City. |
PostalCode | string | No | 15 | Postal Code, required for most countries, but there are exceptions. |
State | string | No | 30 | State Information, printed under Postal Code / City and District. |
Street | string | No | 40 | Street with or without Streetno, im most cases required. |
Streetno | string | No | 15 | Streetno, may also be included in Street field. |
Xml Representation
<Address> <City>…</City> <Country>…</Country> <District>…</District> <PostalCode>…</PostalCode> <State>…</State> <Street>…</Street> <Streetno>…</Streetno> </Address>
Amount Type
Amounts Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Currency | string | No | 3 | 3-char-Abbreviation of Currency, e.g. EUR for Euro (Default). |
Description | string | No | Description of Amount. | |
Value | string | Yes | Decimal(10,2) | Actual Amount, Number Format: InvariantInfo. |
Xml Representation
<Amount> <Currency>…</Currency> <Description>…</Description> <Value>…</Value> </Amount>
ArrayOfAmount Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Amount | Amount |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfAmount> <Amount>…</Amount> <Amount>…</Amount> <Amount>…</Amount> … </ArrayOfAmount>
ArrayOfCEP Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfCEP> <CEP>…</CEP> <CEP>…</CEP> <CEP>…</CEP> … </ArrayOfCEP>
ArrayOfCEPSpecial Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
CEPSpecial | CEPSpecial |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfCEPSpecial> <CEPSpecial>…</CEPSpecial> <CEPSpecial>…</CEPSpecial> <CEPSpecial>…</CEPSpecial> … </ArrayOfCEPSpecial>
ArrayOfCharges Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Charges | Charges |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfCharges> <Charges>…</Charges> <Charges>…</Charges> <Charges>…</Charges> … </ArrayOfCharges>
ArrayOfChargesPackageResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ChargesPackageResult | ChargesPackageResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfChargesPackageResult> <ChargesPackageResult>…</ChargesPackageResult> <ChargesPackageResult>…</ChargesPackageResult> <ChargesPackageResult>…</ChargesPackageResult> … </ArrayOfChargesPackageResult>
ArrayOfChargesResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ChargesResult | ChargesResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfChargesResult> <ChargesResult>…</ChargesResult> <ChargesResult>…</ChargesResult> <ChargesResult>…</ChargesResult> … </ArrayOfChargesResult>
ArrayOfClosedResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ClosedResult | ClosedResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfClosedResult> <ClosedResult>…</ClosedResult> <ClosedResult>…</ClosedResult> <ClosedResult>…</ClosedResult> … </ArrayOfClosedResult>
ArrayOfConsigner Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Consigner | Consigner |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfConsigner> <Consigner>…</Consigner> <Consigner>…</Consigner> <Consigner>…</Consigner> … </ArrayOfConsigner>
ArrayOfCustomer Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Customer | Customer |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfCustomer> <Customer>…</Customer> <Customer>…</Customer> <Customer>…</Customer> … </ArrayOfCustomer>
ArrayOfError Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Error | Error |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfError> <Error>…</Error> <Error>…</Error> <Error>…</Error> … </ArrayOfError>
ArrayOfidentifyShipment Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
identifyShipment | identifyShipment |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfidentifyShipment> <identifyShipment>…</identifyShipment> <identifyShipment>…</identifyShipment> <identifyShipment>…</identifyShipment> … </ArrayOfidentifyShipment>
ArrayOfIntDocContents Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
IntDocContents | IntDocContents |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfIntDocContents> <IntDocContents>…</IntDocContents> <IntDocContents>…</IntDocContents> <IntDocContents>…</IntDocContents> … </ArrayOfIntDocContents>
ArrayOfIntDocData Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
IntDocData | IntDocData |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfIntDocData> <IntDocData>…</IntDocData> <IntDocData>…</IntDocData> <IntDocData>…</IntDocData> … </ArrayOfIntDocData>
ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
printDocumentsResult | printDocumentsResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult> <printDocumentsResult>…</printDocumentsResult> <printDocumentsResult>…</printDocumentsResult> <printDocumentsResult>…</printDocumentsResult> … </ArrayOfprintDocumentsResult>
ArrayOfPrintRequest Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
PrintRequest | PrintRequest |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfPrintRequest> <PrintRequest>…</PrintRequest> <PrintRequest>…</PrintRequest> <PrintRequest>…</PrintRequest> … </ArrayOfPrintRequest>
ArrayOfProduct Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Product | Product |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfProduct> <Product>…</Product> <Product>…</Product> <Product>…</Product> … </ArrayOfProduct>
ArrayOfProfile Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Profile | Profile |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfProfile> <Profile>…</Profile> <Profile>…</Profile> <Profile>…</Profile> … </ArrayOfProfile>
ArrayOfService Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Service | Service |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfService> <Service>…</Service> <Service>…</Service> <Service>…</Service> … </ArrayOfService>
ArrayOfShipment Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
Shipment | Shipment |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipment> <Shipment>…</Shipment> <Shipment>…</Shipment> <Shipment>…</Shipment> … </ArrayOfShipment>
ArrayOfShipmentActionResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ShipmentActionResult | ShipmentActionResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipmentActionResult> <ShipmentActionResult>…</ShipmentActionResult> <ShipmentActionResult>…</ShipmentActionResult> <ShipmentActionResult>…</ShipmentActionResult> … </ArrayOfShipmentActionResult>
ArrayOfShipmentDocumentsResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ShipmentDocumentsResult | ShipmentDocumentsResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipmentDocumentsResult> <ShipmentDocumentsResult>…</ShipmentDocumentsResult> <ShipmentDocumentsResult>…</ShipmentDocumentsResult> <ShipmentDocumentsResult>…</ShipmentDocumentsResult> … </ArrayOfShipmentDocumentsResult>
ArrayOfShipmentPackage Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ShipmentPackage | ShipmentPackage |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipmentPackage> <ShipmentPackage>…</ShipmentPackage> <ShipmentPackage>…</ShipmentPackage> <ShipmentPackage>…</ShipmentPackage> … </ArrayOfShipmentPackage>
ArrayOfShipmentPackageResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ShipmentPackageResult | ShipmentPackageResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipmentPackageResult> <ShipmentPackageResult>…</ShipmentPackageResult> <ShipmentPackageResult>…</ShipmentPackageResult> <ShipmentPackageResult>…</ShipmentPackageResult> … </ArrayOfShipmentPackageResult>
ArrayOfShipmentResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ShipmentResult | ShipmentResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipmentResult> <ShipmentResult>…</ShipmentResult> <ShipmentResult>…</ShipmentResult> <ShipmentResult>…</ShipmentResult> … </ArrayOfShipmentResult>
ArrayOfShipmentService Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ShipmentService | ShipmentService |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipmentService> <ShipmentService>…</ShipmentService> <ShipmentService>…</ShipmentService> <ShipmentService>…</ShipmentService> … </ArrayOfShipmentService>
ArrayOfShipmentStatusResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ShipmentStatusResult | ShipmentStatusResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipmentStatusResult> <ShipmentStatusResult>…</ShipmentStatusResult> <ShipmentStatusResult>…</ShipmentStatusResult> <ShipmentStatusResult>…</ShipmentStatusResult> … </ArrayOfShipmentStatusResult>
ArrayOfShipmentTrackingResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
ShipmentTrackingResult | ShipmentTrackingResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfShipmentTrackingResult> <ShipmentTrackingResult>…</ShipmentTrackingResult> <ShipmentTrackingResult>…</ShipmentTrackingResult> <ShipmentTrackingResult>…</ShipmentTrackingResult> … </ArrayOfShipmentTrackingResult>
ArrayOfTrackingResult Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
TrackingResult | TrackingResult |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfTrackingResult> <TrackingResult>…</TrackingResult> <TrackingResult>…</TrackingResult> <TrackingResult>…</TrackingResult> … </ArrayOfTrackingResult>
CEP Type
Carrier Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
CEPID | string | Yes | 3 | Carrier abbreviation (UPS, PA1 for Parcel One, …). |
CEPLongname | string | No | 30 | Carrier Longname. |
Default | int | No | 0 or 1 | Default Carrier information. |
Products | ArrayOfProduct | No | Products availabe for this carrier |
Xml Representation
<CEP> <CEPID>…</CEPID> <CEPLongname>…</CEPLongname> <Default>…</Default> <Products>…</Products> </CEP>
CEPSpecial Type
CEPSpecials Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Key | string | No | 20 | for DHL so far: Key: PRINTONLYIFCODEABLE, Value: 1 – will return label only in case LEITCODE could be found to avoid Surcharge for not codable addresses. |
Value | string | No | 20 | the needed value as string representation |
Xml Representation
<CEPSpecial> <Key>…</Key> <Value>…</Value> </CEPSpecial>
Charges Type
Charges Request Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
CEPID | string | Yes | 3 | Carrier abbreviation (UPS, PA1 for Parcel One, …). |
ConsignerID | string | Yes | 20 | Consigner Abbreviation. |
IDShipment | identifyShipment | Yes | to identify Shipments to process. | |
MandatorID | string | Yes | 20 | Mandator Abbreviation. |
Packages | ArrayOfShipmentPackage | Yes | Array of Packages to calculate. | |
PrivateAddressIndicator | int | No | Private Address = 1, B2B = 0 | |
ProductID | string | Yes | 20 | Product Abbreviation |
ReturnShipmentIndicator | int | No | Return Shipment = 1; default = 0 = Forward Shipment | |
Services | ArrayOfShipmentService | No | Array of Shipment Services of this shipment. | |
ShipToAddress | Address | Yes | ShipTo Data. |
Xml Representation
<Charges> <CEPID>…</CEPID> <ConsignerID>…</ConsignerID> <IDShipment>…</IDShipment> <MandatorID>…</MandatorID> <Packages>…</Packages> <PrivateAddressIndicator>…</PrivateAddressIndicator> <ProductID>…</ProductID> <ReturnShipmentIndicator>…</ReturnShipmentIndicator> <Services>…</Services> <ShipToAddress>…</ShipToAddress> </Charges>
ChargesPackageResult Type
Charges Parcel Results Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Charges | ArrayOfAmount | No | Charges for each package in shipments. | |
PackageID | string | No | 20 | Package Identification. |
PackageRef | string | No | 20 | Parcel Reference Field of Client. |
ShipmentID | string | No | 20 | Shipment ID. |
TrackingID | string | No | 20 | Tracking number |
Xml Representation
<ChargesPackageResult> <Charges>…</Charges> <PackageID>…</PackageID> <PackageRef>…</PackageRef> <ShipmentID>…</ShipmentID> <TrackingID>…</TrackingID> </ChargesPackageResult>
ChargesResult Type
Charges Result Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
ActionResult | ShipmentActionResult | No | Success, Errors and Shipment ID Fields. | |
PackageResults | ArrayOfChargesPackageResult | No | Charges on package level. | |
Remarks | string | No | Charges Remarks. | |
ShipmentCharges | ArrayOfAmount | No | Charges on shipment level. | |
TotalCharges | Amount | No | Total Charges for Shipments. |
Xml Representation
<ChargesResult> <ActionResult>…</ActionResult> <PackageResults>…</PackageResults> <Remarks>…</Remarks> <ShipmentCharges>…</ShipmentCharges> <TotalCharges>…</TotalCharges> </ChargesResult>
ClosedResult Type
Closed Shipments Result Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
CEP | string | No | 3 | Closed result for this carrier |
ClosedStamp | string | No | 20 | Stamp, consisting of DateTime (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) and Carrier information, like 20150528135632PA1. |
printDocumentResult | printDocumentsResult | No | Closing Report as Base64-encoded string. |
Xml Representation
<ClosedResult> <CEP>…</CEP> <ClosedStamp>…</ClosedStamp> <printDocumentResult>…</printDocumentResult> </ClosedResult>
Consigner Type
Consigner Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
ConsignerID | string | Yes | 20 | Consigner Abbreviation. |
Default | int | No | 0 or 1 | Default Consigner (1=true). |
Shortname | string | No | 20 | Consigner Short name. |
Xml Representation
<Consigner> <ConsignerID>…</ConsignerID> <Default>…</Default> <Shortname>…</Shortname> </Consigner>
Contact Type
Contact Request Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
AttentionName | string | No | 50 | Attention name. |
BirthDate | string | No | Date | Birth Date, not used yet. |
Company | string | No | 50 | Company Information. |
ContactPerson | string | No | 50 | Contact Person |
string | No | 40 | Email. | |
Fax | string | No | 40 | Fax. |
FirstName | string | No | 30 | Firstname. |
LastName | string | No | 30 | Lastname. |
Mobile | string | No | 40 | Mobile Phone Number. |
Phone | string | No | 40 | Phone Number. |
Salutation | string | No | 40 | not in use yet. |
Xml Representation
<Contact> <AttentionName>…</AttentionName> <BirthDate>…</BirthDate> <Company>…</Company> <ContactPerson>…</ContactPerson> <Email>…</Email> <Fax>…</Fax> <FirstName>…</FirstName> <LastName>…</LastName> <Mobile>…</Mobile> <Phone>…</Phone> <Salutation>…</Salutation> </Contact>
Customer Type
Customer Info.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Consigners | ArrayOfConsigner | No | Available Consigners for this customer. | |
CustomerID | string | Yes | 20 | Customer Number at ParcelOne . |
Default | int | No | 0 or 1 | Default Mandator (1=true). |
MandatorID | string | No | 20 | Mandator ID |
Shortname | string | No | 20 | Mandator Short name. |
Status | string | No | ID 0 = Customer active, ID 1 = Customer blocked, ID 2 = Customer anulled. | |
StatusID | int | No | ID 0 = Customer active, ID 1 = Customer blocked, ID 2 = Customer anulled. |
Xml Representation
<Customer> <Consigners>…</Consigners> <CustomerID>…</CustomerID> <Default>…</Default> <MandatorID>…</MandatorID> <Shortname>…</Shortname> <Status>…</Status> <StatusID>…</StatusID> </Customer>
Dimensions Type
Dimensions Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Height | string | No | Decimal (10,2). | Height of Package, NumberFormat InvariantInfo. |
Length | string | No | Decimal (10,2) | Length of Package, NumberFormat InvariantInfo. |
Measurement | string | No | Measurement, so far only cm for centimeter. | |
Width | string | No | Decimal (10,2) | Width of Package, NumberFormat InvariantInfo. |
Xml Representation
<Dimensions> <Height>…</Height> <Length>…</Length> <Measurement>…</Measurement> <Width>…</Width> </Dimensions>
Error Type
Error Identification.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
ErrorNo | string | No | Error No., usually 4 digits. | |
Message | string | No | Error Message. | |
StatusCode | string | No | Error Type, usually Hard or Soft. |
Xml Representation
<Error> <ErrorNo>…</ErrorNo> <Message>…</Message> <StatusCode>…</StatusCode> </Error>
Format Type
Format Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Height | string | No | Height for Print Document, not in use yet. | |
Orientation | int | No | 0 or 1 | 0=Portrait, 1=Landscape, not in use yet. |
Size | string | No | Predefined size, like A4, A6, in use so far “CN22” for International Documents. | |
Type | string | No | 10 | Output format, like PDF or GIF. |
Unit | string | No | Unit of Height and Width parameter, not in use yet. | |
Width | string | No | Output width, not in use yet. |
Xml Representation
<Format> <Height>…</Height> <Orientation>…</Orientation> <Size>…</Size> <Type>…</Type> <Unit>…</Unit> <Width>…</Width> </Format>
identifyPackage Type
Parcel Identification.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
PackageRefField | string | No | optional field of PackageReference, possible values: PackageID, PackageRef or PackageTrackingID. | |
PackageRefValue | string | No | PackageRefValue to transfer value of this field. If empty, only Shipment is identified. |
Xml Representation
<identifyPackage> <PackageRefField>…</PackageRefField> <PackageRefValue>…</PackageRefValue> </identifyPackage>
identifyShipment Type
Shipment Identification.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
ShipmentRefField | string | No | possible values:ShipmentID, ShipmentRef or TrackingID. | |
ShipmentRefValue | string | No | String representation of Value of this field. |
Xml Representation
<identifyShipment> <ShipmentRefField>…</ShipmentRefField> <ShipmentRefValue>…</ShipmentRefValue> </identifyShipment>
IntDoc Type
International Documents Request Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Certificate | int | No | o or 1 | Check Certificate Box on CN23, 1= true. |
CertificateNo | string | No | 25 | Certificate No to print on CN23. |
Comments | string | No | 100 | Comments to print on CN23. |
ConsignerCustomsID | string | No | 20 | Consigner’s CustomsID to print on CN23, if not filled here, taken from Consigner Data in cbc-System. |
ContentsDesc | ArrayOfIntDocContents | No | Contents lines for CN23. | |
Currency | string | No | 3 | 3-character representation of Currency to use on CN23, default: EUR for Euro. |
Date | string | No | Date | Date on CN23, if not filled today’s date is used. |
Explanation | string | No | 100 | Explanation to be printed on CN23. |
InternationalDocumentFormat | Format | No | Output Format may be GIF or PDF, Size will always be A4. | |
Invoice | int | No | 0 or 1 | Check Invoice box on CN23. |
InvoiceNo | string | No | 20 | Invoice No to print on CN23. |
ItemCategory | int | No | 1,2,3,4,5 | Item Category, possible values:1-Gift, 2-Documents, 3-Commercial Sample, 4-Returned Goods, 5-Other. |
License | int | No | 0 or 1 | Check License Box on CN23. |
LicenseNo | string | No | 25 | License No to print on CN23. |
NonDeliveryInstruction | string | No | not in use yet, for future use. | |
OfficeOfOrigin | string | No | 100 | Office of Origin to print on CN23. |
Postage | string | No | Decimal (10,2) | Postage to include in CN23. NumberFormat: InvariantInfo |
PrintInternationalDocuments | int | No | 0 or 1 | Print CN23 flag (1=true). |
ServiceLevel | string | No | not in use yet, for future use. | |
ShipToRef | string | No | 80 | ShipTo Reference on CN23, if not filled, Email and phone of ShipTo address will be used. |
TotalValue | string | No | Decimal (12,2) | Total Value to print on CN23, if not filled, Total will be calculated (Contents values plus Postage). NumberFormat: InvariantInfo |
TotalWeightkg | string | No | Decimal (12,3) | Total Weight in kg on CN23, if not filled, will be calculated from Contents Weights. NumberFormat: InvariantInfo |
ValidatedForExport | int | No | 0 or 1 | not in use yet, for future use (1=YES, 0=NO). |
Xml Representation
<IntDoc> <Certificate>…</Certificate> <CertificateNo>…</CertificateNo> <Comments>…</Comments> <ConsignerCustomsID>…</ConsignerCustomsID> <ContentsDesc>…</ContentsDesc> <Currency>…</Currency> <Date>…</Date> <Explanation>…</Explanation> <InternationalDocumentFormat>…</InternationalDocumentFormat> <Invoice>…</Invoice> <InvoiceNo>…</InvoiceNo> <ItemCategory>…</ItemCategory> <License>…</License> <LicenseNo>…</LicenseNo> <NonDeliveryInstruction>…</NonDeliveryInstruction> <OfficeOfOrigin>…</OfficeOfOrigin> <Postage>…</Postage> <PrintInternationalDocuments>…</PrintInternationalDocuments> <ServiceLevel>…</ServiceLevel> <ShipToRef>…</ShipToRef> <TotalValue>…</TotalValue> <TotalWeightkg>…</TotalWeightkg> <ValidatedForExport>…</ValidatedForExport> </IntDoc>
IntDocContents Type
International Documents Contents Request Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Contents | string | No | 60 | Contents Description. |
ItemValue | string | No | Decimal (12,2) | ItemValue, NumberFormat: InvariantInfo. |
NetWeight | string | No | Decimal (12,3) | NetWeight of Item, NumberFormat: InvariantInfo. |
Origin | string | No | 40 | if possible, Alpha-2-code Country abbreviation (ISO 3166-1). |
Quantity | int | No | Int | Quantity of Item. |
TariffNumber | string | No | 30 | TariffNumber of Item. |
Xml Representation
<IntDocContents> <Contents>…</Contents> <ItemValue>…</ItemValue> <NetWeight>…</NetWeight> <Origin>…</Origin> <Quantity>…</Quantity> <TariffNumber>…</TariffNumber> </IntDocContents>
IntDocData Type
International Documents Request Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
IDPackage | identifyPackage | No | to identify Package, if not filled, only Shipment will be identified. | |
IDShipment | identifyShipment | Yes | to identify Shipments to process. | |
InternationalDoc | IntDoc | No | International Documents Data to add to Shipments/Packages. |
Xml Representation
<IntDocData> <IDPackage>…</IDPackage> <IDShipment>…</IDShipment> <InternationalDoc>…</InternationalDoc> </IntDocData>
Measurement Type
Measurements Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Unit | string | No | can be different | |
Value | string | No | Decimal | Value of Measurement. NumberFormat: InvariantInfo. |
Xml Representation
<Measurement> <Unit>…</Unit> <Value>…</Value> </Measurement>
printDocumentsResult Type
Shipment Documents Print Result Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
ActionResult | ShipmentActionResult | No | Success, Errors and Shipment ID Fields. | |
DocType | string | No | 25 | Description of Document returned. |
Document | string | No | Document as Base64-encoded string. | |
Format | Format | No | to identify returned Format of Document. | |
PackageID | string | No | 20 | Parcel No. |
PackageRef | string | No | 20 | Parcel Reference Field of Client. |
PackageTrackingID | string | No | 20 | Parcel Tracking Number. |
Xml Representation
<printDocumentsResult> <ActionResult>…</ActionResult> <DocType>…</DocType> <Document>…</Document> <Format>…</Format> <PackageID>…</PackageID> <PackageRef>…</PackageRef> <PackageTrackingID>…</PackageTrackingID> </printDocumentsResult>
PrintRequest Type
Print Request Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
DocType | string | No | 25 | Identification of Document, not required yet. |
Format | Format | No | to define Format to return, possible values, dependent on requested document: PDF or GIF. | |
IDPackage | identifyPackage | No | to identify Parcel, if not filled, only Shipment is identified. | |
IDShipment | identifyShipment | No | to identify Shipment to process. |
Xml Representation
<PrintRequest> <DocType>…</DocType> <Format>…</Format> <IDPackage>…</IDPackage> <IDShipment>…</IDShipment> </PrintRequest>
Product Type
Product Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Default | int | No | 0 or 1 | Default Product for Carrier – (1=true). |
ProductID | string | No | 20 | Product abbreviation, e.g. 11 for UPS-Standard, eco for PA1-Eco. |
ProductName | string | No | 20 | Product Name. |
Services | ArrayOfService | No | Available services for this carrier/product-combination. |
Xml Representation
<Product> <Default>…</Default> <ProductID>…</ProductID> <ProductName>…</ProductName> <Services>…</Services> </Product>
Profile Type
Profile for a mandator.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
CEPs | ArrayOfCEP | No | Available CEPs. | |
Consigners | ArrayOfConsigner | No | available Consigners for this Mandator. | |
Default | int | No | 0 or 1 | Default Mandator (1=true). |
MandatorID | string | No | 20 | Mandator ID. |
MandatorShortname | string | No | 20 | Mandator Short name. |
Xml Representation
<Profile> <CEPs>…</CEPs> <Consigners>…</Consigners> <Default>…</Default> <MandatorID>…</MandatorID> <MandatorShortname>…</MandatorShortname> </Profile>
Service Type
Services Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
AmountNeeded | int | No | 0 or 1 | Amout spec required (1=true) for this service, e.g. for COD or Insurance. |
CurrencyNeeded | int | No | 0 or 1 | Currency required (1=true) for this service, 3-character-Abbreviaton of Currency, e.g. EUR for Euro.. |
Default | int | No | 0 or 1 or 2 | 0=Optional (Service may be booked), 1=Standard (Service may be shown as a default choice), 2=Forced (Service will be added by the API anyway if not chosen already) |
ServiceID | string | No | 10 | Service ID, e.g. NN for COD, SA for SaturdayDelivery, depends on available Services for Carrier. |
ServiceName | string | No | 30 | Service Description, language-sensitive. |
Xml Representation
<Service> <AmountNeeded>…</AmountNeeded> <CurrencyNeeded>…</CurrencyNeeded> <Default>…</Default> <ServiceID>…</ServiceID> <ServiceName>…</ServiceName> </Service>
ShipFrom Type
ShipFrom / Consigner Data – only to be used with special agreement!
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
CustomsID | string | No | 20 | Consigner’s customsID. |
Name1 | string | No | 50 | First line on Shipment label. |
Name2 | string | No | 50 | 2nd line on shipment label. |
Name3 | string | No | 50 | 3rd line on shipment label |
Reference | string | No | 20 | ShipFrom Reference by Client. |
SalesTaxID | string | No | 20 | Sales TaxID of Consigner,not in use yet. |
ShipmentAddress | Address | No | ShipFrom Address. | |
ShipmentContact | Contact | No | ShipFrom Contact Data, information like phone and/or email required for some carriers. |
Xml Representation
<ShipFrom> <CustomsID>…</CustomsID> <Name1>…</Name1> <Name2>…</Name2> <Name3>…</Name3> <Reference>…</Reference> <SalesTaxID>…</SalesTaxID> <ShipmentAddress>…</ShipmentAddress> <ShipmentContact>…</ShipmentContact> </ShipFrom>
Shipment Type
Shipment Request Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
CEPID | string | Yes | 20 | Carrier Abbreviation, e.g. UPS or PA1 for Parcel One. |
CEPSpecials | ArrayOfCEPSpecial | No | for DHL so far: Key: PRINTONLYIFCODEABLE, Value: 1 – will return label only in case LEITCODE could be found to avoid Surcharge for not codable addresses. | |
ConsignerID | string | Yes | 20 | to identify Consigner to ship from. |
CostCenter | string | No | 20 | for client use. |
DocumentFormat | Format | No | specify Format for Documents to be returned, e.g. UPS HighValueReport, only value possible: PDF. | |
LabelFormat | Format | No | Label Format, only possible values of Type: GIF or PDF, Size-Parameter is not used yet. | |
MandatorID | string | Yes | 20 | Mandator ID for shipment. |
MaxCharges | Amount | No | You can specify an amount of Charge as a maximum for the shipment (Amount of Zero = no action). In case of exaggerating the shipment will be declined with an error message. (So far charges are only returned for UPS.) | |
Other1 | string | No | 30 | Additional Information of any kind. |
Other2 | string | No | 30 | Additional Information of any kind. |
Other3 | string | No | 30 | Additional Information of any kind. |
Packages | ArrayOfShipmentPackage | Yes | Parcel Specifications. | |
PrintDocuments | int | No | 0 or 1. | Return Documents, like UPS HighValueReport, with Shipment? Default=0=false. |
PrintLabel | int | No | 0 or 1 | Return Label with shipment, default=0=false. |
ProductID | string | Yes | 20 | Product for Carrier, e.g. 11 for UPS Standard, eco for Parcel One-eco. |
ReturnCharges | int | No | 0 or 1 | to return the shipment charges (so far only works for UPS), default=0=false, 1 = true. |
ReturnShipmentIndicator | int | No | 0 or intvalue. | required – 0 = Forward Shipment, all values > 0 = Return Shipment. For UPS the following are available: 2-Print and Mail Return Label by UPS; 3-Return Service 1-Attempt; 5-Return Service 3-Attempt; 8-Electronic Return Label by URL; 9-Print Return Label. |
Services | ArrayOfShipmentService | No | Services for Shipment. | |
ShipFromData | ShipFrom | No | ShipFrom-Data, to use only with special agreement with ParcelOne , usually ConsignerID is used. | |
ShipToData | ShipTo | Yes | ShipTo-Data. | |
ShipmentID | string | No | numeric (int64) | if shipping successfull, ShipmentID will be overwritten/assigned, has to be numeric. |
ShipmentRef | string | No | 20 | Shipment Client reference, for later identification. |
Software | string | Yes | 20 | Software and version used. |
Xml Representation
<Shipment> <CEPID>…</CEPID> <CEPSpecials>…</CEPSpecials> <ConsignerID>…</ConsignerID> <CostCenter>…</CostCenter> <DocumentFormat>…</DocumentFormat> <LabelFormat>…</LabelFormat> <MandatorID>…</MandatorID> <MaxCharges>…</MaxCharges> <Other1>…</Other1> <Other2>…</Other2> <Other3>…</Other3> <Packages>…</Packages> <PrintDocuments>…</PrintDocuments> <PrintLabel>…</PrintLabel> <ProductID>…</ProductID> <ReturnCharges>…</ReturnCharges> <ReturnShipmentIndicator>…</ReturnShipmentIndicator> <Services>…</Services> <ShipFromData>…</ShipFromData> <ShipToData>…</ShipToData> <ShipmentID>…</ShipmentID> <ShipmentRef>…</ShipmentRef> <Software>…</Software> </Shipment>
ShipmentActionResult Type
Shipment Action Results.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Errors | ArrayOfError | No | Array of Error Information. | |
ShipmentID | string | No | int64 | ShipmentID assigned with succesfull shippings. |
ShipmentRef | string | No | 20 | Shipment Reference field provided by client for identification. |
Success | int | No | -1,0,1 | -1=Error, 0=Warnings, 1=Successfull. |
TrackingID | string | No | 20 | Tracking ID provided by carrier. |
Xml Representation
<ShipmentActionResult> <Errors>…</Errors> <ShipmentID>…</ShipmentID> <ShipmentRef>…</ShipmentRef> <Success>…</Success> <TrackingID>…</TrackingID> </ShipmentActionResult>
ShipmentDocumentsResult Type
Shipment Documents Results Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Charges | ArrayOfAmount | No | not in use yet. | |
DocType | string | No | 25 | DocumentType for description of document returned. |
Document | string | No | Document returned as Base64-encoded string. | |
DocumentID | string | No | Document Identification returned, e.g. ParcelOne Retoure Tracknumber. | |
Format | Format | No | to return provided DocumentType (PDF,GIF), DocumentSize (A4,A6), etc. | |
PackageID | string | No | 20 | Parcel ID assigned at Shipping. |
ShipmentID | string | No | Int64 | ShipmentID assigned at Shipping. |
TrackingID | string | No | 20 | TrackingID assigned by Carrier at Shipping. |
Xml Representation
<ShipmentDocumentsResult> <Charges>…</Charges> <DocType>…</DocType> <Document>…</Document> <Format>…</Format> <PackageID>…</PackageID> <ShipmentID>…</ShipmentID> <TrackingID>…</TrackingID> </ShipmentDocumentsResult>
ShipmentPackage Type
Parcel Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
IntDocData | IntDoc | No | International Documents Data for Parcel (for Shipment send with first parcel). | |
PackageDimensions | Dimensions | No | to specify Length, Width, Height, required for some carriers. | |
PackageID | string | No | 20 | will be reassigned at successfull shipping. |
PackageRef | string | No | 20 | Client’s reference to parcel. |
PackageType | string | No | 10 | Letter, Parcel, … – required for UPS – UPS: Package Type = “02” for “Package”. |
PackageVolume | Measurement | No | Volume for Parcel in liters, required for some carriers. | |
PackageWeight | Measurement | No | ParcelWeight in kg, required for most carriers. | |
Remarks | string | No | 100 | Client’s comments. |
Services | ArrayOfShipmentService | No | Specify Services at package level. |
Xml Representation
<ShipmentPackage> <IntDocData>…</IntDocData> <PackageDimensions>…</PackageDimensions> <PackageID>…</PackageID> <PackageRef>…</PackageRef> <PackageType>…</PackageType> <PackageVolume>…</PackageVolume> <PackageWeight>…</PackageWeight> <Remarks>…</Remarks> <Services>…</Services> </ShipmentPackage>
ShipmentPackageResult Type
Shipment Parcel Results Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Charges | ArrayOfAmount | No | not in use yet. | |
DocType | string | No | 25 | will always be “Label”. |
Format | Format | No | to return provided Format (Type=GIF or PDF, Size=A4 or A6). | |
Label | string | No | 64base-encoded string of Label. | |
PackageID | string | No | 20 | Parcel number assigned at successfull shipping. |
PackageRef | string | No | 20 | Parcel reference provided by client for identification. |
ShipmentID | string | No | int64 | Shipment ID assigned at succesfull shipping. |
TrackingID | string | No | 20 | Tracking ID provided by carrier at successfull shipping. |
TrackingURL | string | No | 120 | TrackingURL of respective Carrier. |
Xml Representation
<ShipmentPackageResult> <Charges>…</Charges> <DocType>…</DocType> <Format>…</Format> <Label>…</Label> <PackageID>…</PackageID> <PackageRef>…</PackageRef> <ShipmentID>…</ShipmentID> <TrackingID>…</TrackingID> </ShipmentPackageResult>
ShipmentResult Type
Shipment Results Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
ActionResult | ShipmentActionResult | No | Shipment Identification fields, Errors, Success. | |
Charges | ArrayOfAmount | No | Charges Information if ReturnCharges has been selected. | |
DocumentsAvailable | int | No | Number of available Documents for this shipment. | |
DocumentsResults | ArrayOfShipmentDocumentsResult | No | Documents returned if specified, e.g. UPS HighValueReport. | |
InternationalDocumentsAvailable | int | No | Number of International Documents available for this shipment. | |
InternationalDocumentsNeeded | int | No | 1 | Values: -1 = has not been checked (with Parcel.One will be always checked), 0 = not required, 1= required. This information is returned independently of whether InternationalDocuments-Data have been provided or not! |
InternationalDocumentsResults | ArrayOfShipmentDocumentsResult | No | CN23 returned if specified. | |
LabelsAvailable | int | No | Number of labels available for this shipment. | |
LabelURL | string | No | 200 | LabelURL, so far only used for UPS Return Shipments with ReturnShipmentIndicator “8”. |
PackageResults | ArrayOfShipmentPackageResult | No | Parcel data returned. | |
TotalCharges | Amount | No | Total Charges Information if ReturnCharges has been selected. |
Xml Representation
<ShipmentResult> <ActionResult>…</ActionResult> <Charges>…</Charges> <DocumentsAvailable>…</DocumentsAvailable> <DocumentsResults>…</DocumentsResults> <InternationalDocumentsAvailable>…</InternationalDocumentsAvailable> <InternationalDocumentsNeeded>…</InternationalDocumentsNeeded> <InternationalDocumentsResults>…</InternationalDocumentsResults> <LabelURL>…</LabelURL> <LabelsAvailable>…</LabelsAvailable> <PackageResults>…</PackageResults> <TotalCharges>…</TotalCharges> </ShipmentResult>
ShipmentService Type
Services Information.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
Parameters | string | No | 100 | not in use yet. |
ServiceID | string | No | 20 | Service Abbreviation, depending on Carrier/Product, e.g. NN for COD, SA for SaturdayDelivery. |
Value | Amount | No | Amount and Currency required for some Services like COD and Insurance. |
Xml Representation
<ShipmentService> <Parameters>…</Parameters> <ServiceID>…</ServiceID> <Value>…</Value> </ShipmentService>
ShipmentStatusResult Type
Shipment Status Results.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
ActionResult | ShipmentActionResult | No | Shipment Identification fields, Erros, Success. | |
ShipmentStatus | string | No | 20 | Shipment Status, Code 10 = Shipped; Code 90 = Closed, Status will be returned according to client language provided. |
ShipmentStatusCode | string | No | Code 10 = Shipped; Code 90 = Closed, Status will be returned according to client language provided. | |
LastTrackingNo | string | No | Tracking Code (often USPS-No.) of last known Carrier nearest to destination carrier. | |
LastCEP | string | No | Last known Carrier nearest to destination carrier.. |
Xml Representation
<ShipmentStatusResult> <ActionResult>…</ActionResult> <ShipmentStatus>…</ShipmentStatus> <ShipmentStatusCode>…</ShipmentStatusCode> <LastTrackingNo>…</LastTrackingNo> <LastCEP>…</LastCEP> </ShipmentStatusResult>
ShipmentTrackingResult Type
Shipment Trackings Results.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
ActionResult | ShipmentActionResult | No | Shipment Identification fields, Erros, Success. | |
Trackings | ArrayOfTrackingResult | No | Array of Tracking Data (DateTime, StatusCode, Status) for every Shipment inquired. |
Xml Representation
<ShipmentTrackingResult> <ActionResult>…</ActionResult> <Trackings>…</Trackings> </ShipmentTrackingResult>
ShipTo Type
Shipto / Receiver Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
BranchID | string | No | 20 | Branch or Pickup ID of Carrier. If PUDO-Shipping, then PUDO-Number must be provided here. |
CEPCustID | string | No | 20 | Carrier Customer ID of Receiver, e.g. UPS Customer No. for cheaper Shipping. Not in use yet. |
CustomsID | string | No | 20 | Receiver’s customsID. |
Name1 | string | Yes | 50 | First line on shipment label. |
Name2 | string | No | 50 | 2nd line on shipment label. |
Name3 | string | No | 50 | 3rd line of shipment label. |
PrivateAddressIndicator | int | Yes | 0 or 1 | Private Address of Receiver? (1=true) – B2B or B2C. |
Reference | string | No | 20 | ShipTo Reference provided by client. |
SalesTaxID | string | No | 20 | Sales TaxID of Receiver, not in use yet. |
ShipmentAddress | Address | Yes | ShipTo Address. | |
ShipmentContact | Contact | No | ShipTo Contact Data, information like phone and/or email required for some carriers. |
Xml Representation
<ShipTo> <BranchID>…</BranchID> <CEPCustID>…</CEPCustID> <CustomsID>…</CustomsID> <Name1>…</Name1> <Name2>…</Name2> <Name3>…</Name3> <PrivateAddressIndicator>…</PrivateAddressIndicator> <Reference>…</Reference> <SalesTaxID>…</SalesTaxID> <ShipmentAddress>…</ShipmentAddress> <ShipmentContact>…</ShipmentContact> </ShipTo>
TrackingResult Type
Shipment Tracking Result Data.
Member Name | Type | Required | MaxLength | Description |
TrackingDateTime | string | No | Tracking Event DateTime. | |
TrackingStatus | string | No | Char unlimited | Tracking Event Status Description. |
TrackingStatusCode | string | No | 20 | Tracking Event Status Code Number. |
Xml Representation
<TrackingResult> <TrackingDateTime>…</TrackingDateTime> <TrackingStatus>…</TrackingStatus> <TrackingStatusCode>…</TrackingStatusCode> </TrackingResult>
ArrayOfstring Array
Array Element
Element Name | Type |
string | string |
Xml Representation
<ArrayOfstring> <string>…</string> <string>…</string> <string>…</string> … </ArrayOfstring>